Stopmotion (2024) is a horror film directed by Robert Morgan, known for his expertise in creating eerie, unsettling atmospheres through the use of stop-motion animation. The film follows a woman who, after a series of traumatic events, retreats into the world of animation to process her emotions. However, her work begins to blur the lines between reality and fiction, as the puppets she creates seem to come to life in horrifying ways.
Stopmotion explores themes of control, madness, and the dark psychological effects of obsession. As the protagonist’s creations take on a life of their own, the film dives deep into psychological horror, filled with disturbing visuals and surreal sequences. The use of stop-motion animation adds a unique, nightmarish quality to the film, making it both visually distinctive and deeply unsettling.
This blend of animation and live-action gives Stopmotion a fresh and terrifying perspective on horror, challenging the boundaries of reality while delivering a deeply chilling narrative.