
One Piece: Joy Boy’s Dream To Become King, Explained

One Piece chapter 1122 was one of the biggest ones in the Egghead Island Arc, and it might just be the very last one in this arc as well.

The Egghead Island Arc has proven to be absolutely sensational in more ways than one, despite just being the very first arc in the Final Saga. Not only did fans get to see incredibly exciting action, but at the same time, this arc was filled with quite a lot of information dump, lore about the Void Century, and possibly the biggest of all, the proper introduction of Joy Boy into the story.

Fans have found out quite a great deal about him in this segment of the story, as well as his dreams, which have now been hinted at by the author of the story.

Joy Boy And Emet’s Flashback Is Revealed In One Piece 1122

Emet Has A Child’s Personality

Joy Boy Sealed Haki Inside Emet

One Piece chapter 1122 is quite likely the last chapter of the Egghead Island Arc. Even if the arc isn’t over completely, this chapter marked its climax, which means that whatever is to follow is going to be the aftermath and likely a tie-in to the next chapter of the Arc. Egghead concluded with a bang, where fans got to see Emet, the Iron Giant, confront the Five Elders all by himself. Of course, this was quite a difficult challenge for him, but his trump card proved to be absolutely mind-blowing. No fan could have predicted Emet utilizing the incredible power of Joy Boy’s Haki, and when he did utilize it, fans were utterly stunned. Joy Boy had sealed his strongest Haki inside of Emet, and once he tugged the rope inside of him, a bolt of Haki hit all the elders, along with the Marines who were around the Egghead, were affected. The vast majority of the Marines were completely knocked out, and the Elders were not spared either. They were knocked out of Yokai forms, and sent back to Marijoa. This was incredibly surprising for the fans, as it showcased the strength of Joy Boy’s Haki.

Listen, Emet! I’ll seal my strongest Haki inside you! – Joy Boy

Essentially, his Haki was strong enough to negate their powers and send them back to where they came from, canceling Saturn’s demonic summoning. While this was the jaw-dropping moment in the chapter, fans also got to see a lot more from Emet the Iron Giant. Particularly, after Emet was about to close his eyes, fans got to see a flashback between him and Joy Boy. In this flashback, their relationship was explored by Oda. Clearly, Joy Boy looked at Emet as a beloved underling. It appears that Emet is childish in nature, and Joy Boy always looked after him. Joy Boy even went as far as to say that he is always going to keep on protecting him, just as he had done in the past. This once again implies that Joy Boy was a brotherly or parental figure to Emet, and he used to help him around quite a bit.

When Emet unleashed his attack, he thought back to his memories of Joy Boy, and apologized to him for not being able to make him King, which, although small, is actually something that holds a lot of weight in One Piece.

What Did Joy Boy Want To Be The King Of?

Joy Boy Was In A Life Or Death Battle Against The Alliance

One Piece chapter 1122 painted the idea of Joyboy wanting to be King. Of course, in One Piece, when it comes to Kings, there is only one idea that comes to the minds of the fans and that is the Pirate King. However, it is unlikely the Joy Boy ever wanted to be the Pirate King. This is simply down to the fact that Joy Boy was the very first pirate itself and the concept wasn’t even common back then. Furthermore, Joy Boy wouldn’t even have had enough competition to be stopped by anyone from becoming the Pirate King. Most importantly, the One Piece, which one needs to claim in order to become the Pirate King belonged to Joy Boy and he left it on the Last Island, meaning it could not have been the same goal as the likes of Luffy and Roger. Joy Boy wanted to be a different kind of King and that is something that fans have to figure out.

I don’t want to conquer anything. The man who is the freest of all is the Pirate King! – Luffy

There are clues in the story about Joy Boy that can help fans figure out what kind of King he wanted to be. The most important one is the fact that Joy Boy wanted to help many races in the world and bring them together. Perhaps, Joyboy wanted to be a king of the world, similar to the position that Imu holds right now. This would also be similar to the goal that Rocks D. Xebec had, and the goal that Blackbeard has right now. However, in Joy Boy’s case, this would be something different. Joy Boy wouldn’t want to rule or command anything in particular. This is because fans know that his personality is likely similar to Luffy’s. The proof of that is that Joy Boy had the same Devil Fruit as Luffy, and fans know the Zoan Devil Fruits choose people based on their personalities. Joy Boy values freedom and he would not want to impose command over anyone since he would believe that the freest man on the ocean is the King.

Essentially, then, one can link this idea to Joy Boy’s idea of wanting to be King. To Joy Boy, the freest person in the world would be King, and he would simply want to be the freest. This also be painted in the sense that Joy Boy would want the entire world to be free as well, and being the one who would lead the world to freedom would make him the King of them all, in other words, essentially, the King of the free world.

How Luffy Will Fulfill Joy Boy’s Dreams Ambitions

Luffy Will Do What Joy Boy Couldn’t

Luffy and Joy Boy mirror each other in many ways, and what Joy Boy failed to do, Luffy will succeed in. This is something that fans already know and this will come true in the Final Saga of One Piece. Joy Boy wanted to be king but failed. Meanwhile, Luffy will become King and succeed in what Joy Boy failed to accomplish. In the case of Luffy, fans already know that he will go on to become Pirate King, but also beyond that, since that is not even his true goal. Luffy will free the entire world and have a big banquet with them. This act of freeing everyone will essentially make Luffy the freest of all, and put him on a pedestal of a King of the World of sorts. This is truer than ever before, since Vegapunk recently linked the possession of One Piece to controlling the entire world.

Essentially, Luffy will become the King of the World, in the sense that he will free everyone and they will look up to him, and at the same time, fulfill the ambition that Joy Boy could not. Luffy wouldn’t take the title, and likely even hate it, but that wouldn’t change the fact that he’d be the freest of all, and a King.

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